May 20, 2021 Executive Board Meeting Minutes
I had finished the minutes last week, and have tried to upload them a few times without success. Hopefully, it works this time!
Anyhow, please read and give me feedback.thanks!!!!
k text](may2022 Exec. Minutes.pdf link url) -
@Pualanasn thanks so much. I was able to open the minutes.
Re: Section 4, paragraph a, point i, re: nomination for programming committee:
- There have been no new applications for membership into the programming committee. Teresa has expressed an interest in remaining on the committee
- As chair of the committee, I recommend we act as we did for @joanner in 2020 and extend the term limit for Teresa, and so the programming committee will continue with its membership unchanged.
- The membership consists of @joanner, myself, @clarplayr, and @TeresaWhite (mentioned here but will not be notified), there is currently one vacancy in the programming committee as Joanne has replaced Zoltan's role in the PC as DOM.
@Pualanasn thanks for uploading the minutes!
@executive just a couple of points from me if you could be so kind to read:
I did not mean to imply that @jeff-reynolds was doing a formal proposal so maybe some lines were crossed. It was a casual discussion as I mentioned in my forum post. Thanks for closing the loop on this.
I do want to set a hard deadline for us to decide on a new logo as if we want shirts for 2022, we should have our order in by January and I know things will be hectic if we're allowed to play Xmas. If we can just briefly discuss this for 5 mins at our next meeting.
Regarding return to play, we cannot ask band members or even encourage them to be vaccinated as the band is not a public health service - it is a private decision for each band member to make. I agree with @shewis we need to take our cues from the city as they would be the deciding factor. The small ensembles could do something to help promote the band in the summer if it is permitted.
Hi @julian. Joanne was extended because we froze everything during the early days of COVID. However, since we are moving forward with executive elections I do not see a reason to suspend the bylaws to extend the term of one of the current committee members. The whole purpose of non-renewable terms is to ensure that we get a variety of input from the membership and that one member's tastes are not given too much weight over too long a period of time. If we need to go out and actively recruit committee members from the membership then I would suggest that you, @joanner and @shewis meet to look for targets based on a) the instrument regularly played, in order to ensure representation from all areas of the Band; b) knowledge of Concert Band music and the BCB’s audience. (As outlined in the bylaws.)
Teresa has done a great job, and it's a shame to lose her, but without a compelling reason to break the rules, I do not see how she can stay on the committee.
I believe my extension on the PC was in 2019. If there is no one new wishing to have input, could it be that folks are happy with what is being programmed? I have also encouraged people to let myself or member of the PC know if there are any "requests". I have a notebook with several pages of suggestions that I hope to include in future programs.
@julian Wendi Udell, who had taken the vacant position two years ago, was missed in the list. She is a french horn player - brass. So, She would be staying on, and Teresa would be leaving. This is what creates the open position. the librarian, DOM, and Assistant Conductor are the permenate positions, the other two rotate alternate years.
@julian I agree
Sorry, my comments may be late here but since I'm on the committee I think I should share my opinion.
In normal times I would agree that we follow the bylaws and recruit for the committee. Since no one has come forward with interest in serving on the committee, and Teresa would like to continue, I think it makes sense to extend her term. Of course, if we get lots of interest then it would make sense to make changes, but this is not the case.
As a committee we have worked well and efficiently, and I agree with Joanne's observation that perhaps the lack of volunteers, probably means the membership is happy with the music, and they know their voices are heard.
That's my two cents...thanks -
@clarplayr makes sense for Teresa to continue if no one else steps up this time - I think it's hard for us to recruit volunteers to anything right now as there's no foreseeable plan for performing as we always had a handful of people put their hat in the ring. Joanne and the rest of PC have been very open about receiving feedback about pieces to perform so I don't think they will be any objections from the band members. However, I also see @gordon's point that the original reason was to get new blood and if we extend her term it would be for two years correct? But if no one else steps forward to volunteer, it's better to have her than leave it open.
I -
@clarplayr thank you for your feedback. I agree with your comments and support a way to ensure Teresa can have another year. How do we make this happen Gord?
I would like to suggest that in order to make everything official-like, then we get Teresa to put in writing her desire to be considered for another term. If in fact there are no other applicants, than as the only applicant then it would make sense to have her join (again).
I think this way, we still mostly stay within the bylaw Even though it's the same person, she is leaving the PC then joining the PC. If that makes sense.
@shewis makes sense
The short answer is that under the bylaws there is no way to extend Teresa's appointment. The board's appointments and the committee's as well was extended for another year due to COVID, but since we were able to hold an election for the executive I don't see how we could argue that while we were able to elect a new board that we weren't able to appoint a new member to the committee.
The only way to do that would be to suspend that particular part of the bylaws. (This is what we did with the statutory bylaw review.) The only way to do that is by holding a Special General Meeting. To hold that meeting, Steve would need to call it and give the members at least four weeks notice. All other that that it works like an AGM (other than the fact that it can only deal with the issue it was called to deal with).
Needless to say, I am strongly against taking this course of action. The membership approved two-year, non-renewable terms for a reason and I see no compelling or urgent argument as to why the will of the membership should be superseded.
@gordon so if Teresa is unable to have her term extended, and there are no additional applicants, then what is the next course of action?
@julian We would have to go out and recruit someone who met the qualifications.