Just reiterating. 2 children's concerts would be awesome. 1 French with grants and celebrity french narrator, and one english with local celebrity @gordon narrating!
Meeting minutes here.
Note that this was NOT an official meeting, as quorum was not met. As such, all items on the minutes are discussion only. September 21 BCB exec meeting.pdf
I would appreciate someone to make a motion to adopt these minutes, then someone else to second, then we can vote and avoid having to do this at the may meeting.
@renata As far as I can tell, the minutes look fine. However, I wasn't "there" for the whole meeting! Thanks for posting them promptly, as I had wondered if I had missed anything.
@shewis I didn't mean to sound critical of the minutes; I just wanted to clarify, particularly as it concerns my job as treasurer. Thanks for doing a good set of minutes. Jane